Appeal for peace

Resolution No. 1/2022
General Assembly of the Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize
of June 9th, 2022


on addressing a call to the authorities of the Russian Federation for putting an end to military actions in Ukraine and withdrawing military forces from the territory of Ukraine. The call is drafted during the General Assembly of the Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize.


The General Assembly of the Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize adopts the following common position:

We, Towns Awarded the Europe Prize, which was established with the aim to promote European values, have always based our work within the Association on a common understanding, solidarity, respect and partnership that goes beyond our national borders. Over the decades, together we have endeavoured to build the cities of the future, which offer the opportunity for the implementation of the right for choosing own development and peaceful coexistence to all future generations, regardless of where we live and what language we speak. The brutal and unfaithful invasion by the Russian Federation in the independent Ukraine, so meritorious for the Association, has shattered what the Ukrainian people have achieved with their steadfastness and their mind open to united Europe. Expressing our desire to exist in the spirit of higher values for all countries – not only of the Old Continent, but also of the World, we strongly condemn Russian aggressive war against Ukraine and appeal to the Russian authorities, and especially to the President of the Russian Federation, Mr Vladimir Vladimorovich Putin, to immediately and unconditionally cease hostilities in Ukraine and withdraw all armed forces from the whole territory of Ukraine within the internationally recognized borders. The Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize calls on the Russian Federation for compliance with international law and the cessation of all acts of violence.

We call for peace!


The content of the position via the President of the Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize will be sent to the Embassy of the Russian Federation and published on the Association’s website in the form of an open letter.