In order to establish closer ties between the towns awarded the Europe Prize, effectively contribute to the exchange of information, improve the organization, means and methods of interaction between the towns awarded the Europe Prize, the negotiating parties adopt the following Statutes:
Article 1. Name and Legal Form
The Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize (hereinafter referred to the “Association”) is an international non-governmental organization created under the auspices of the Council of Europe; it is a voluntary organization of all the towns awarded the Europe Prize, which is the highest distinction that can be bestowed on a European town for its actions in the European domain and rewards municipalities for their active promotion of the European ideal.
The Association has its seal, which is kept in the city presiding in the Association.
Article 2. Electronic resource
The Association has its electronic resource, which is intended for official coverage of the activities of the Association, publication of documents, minutes of the General Assemblies and the Presidia of the Association and other materials.
Article 3. Goals and activities
The purpose of the Association is to achieve greater unity among its members by exchanging information and discussing matters of common interest, particularly in the following areas:
- twinning;
- interaction between state institutions and private organizations, as well as organizations with mixed ownership, especially in the field of culture;
- European events;
- promotion of the idea of solidarity in Europe and mutual understanding between peoples;
- study of and participation in the exchange of knowledge and experience in the fields of cultural and social development of the members of the Association;
- display of initiative to involve municipalities in active cooperation.
Article 4. Conditions for Joining
Towns awarded the Europe Prize automatically become members of the Association. They are informed about this in writing by the current President of the Association.
Article 5. Rights and Obligations
Members of the Association have the right to be represented at the meetings, conferences, courses, seminars and other events held by the Association. Members of the Association shall make efforts to share their knowledge and experience within the Association.
Article 6. Termination of Membership
Membership in the Association can be suspended at any time by a written application to the President of the Association.
Membership in the Association can be restored at any time by a written application to the President of the Association.
The President of the Association shall immediately notify all the Association members of receipt of such applications.
Article 7. Association Governance
The Association is governed by:
a) the General Assembly;
b) the President and two Vice-Presidents;
c) the Presidium.
Article 8. General Assembly
The General Assembly, being the main advisory, decision-making and representative body of the Association, consists of representatives of all members of the Association.
The exclusive competence of the General Assembly shall comprise:
- electing the presiding city and two vice-presiding cities;
- electing the presiding cities;
- opening Resident Representative Offices of the Association.
The General Assembly can:
- consider the general principles of cooperation of the Association members and make relevant recommendations;
- discuss any matters concerning the activities of the Association under the Statutes;
- organize interaction within the framework of international cooperation in the social and humanitarian fields, as well as in the field of culture, education and health care;
- recommend ways to achieve friendly and partner relations between the Association members;
- determine the place and time of the next meetings of the General Assembly and the Presidium of the Association.
The General Assembly shall be convened every time the circumstances so require, but not less than once a year. Its participants can be at least one representative from each Association member city and one representative of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (hereinafter referred to PACE).
Article 9. President and Vice-Presidents
The mayor of the city elected as presiding in the Association is considered the President of the Association.
The Vice-Presidents of the Association are considered the mayors of the cities elected as vice-presiding in the Association.
In the absence of the President, the Association is headed by its authorized representative. If the President resigns as President before his or her term of office expires, the powers thereof shall be conferred upon the first Vice-President of the Association until the election of the new President of the Association.
President of the Association shall:
- be the official representative of the Association to third parties, including PACE;
- be responsible for public relations of the Association;
- head and organize the work of the General Assembly and the Presidium of the Association;
- notify the Association members of the agenda and the convening of the General Assembly and the Presidium not later than two months prior to the meeting.
Article 10. Presidium
The Presidium is the executive body operating between the conventions of the General Assembly.
The Presidium shall comprise:
- the city currently presiding in the Association;
- two cities currently vice-presiding in the Association;
- the city to have presided in the Association in the previous period;
- up to seven other Association member cities approved by the General Assembly of the Association;
- a representative of the PACE.
The members of the Presidium shall be elected for a period of two years by a simple majority of the General Assembly.
The Presidium shall be convened at least once a year. If necessary, the President shall convene additional meeting of the Presidium. The Association member city to host the Presidium shall be approved by the General Assembly.
Representatives of other Association member cities can attend the meetings of the Presidium without vote.
Each member of the Association can nominate an authorised person to be responsible for maintaining contacts within the Association, as well as a representative from the youth organizations of the city.
Article 11. Presidium Powers
The Presidium shall take any and all measures, initiatives or decisions that it deems necessary to achieve the goals of the Association. In particular, it can:
- organize conferences, courses, seminars, colloquia and other events;
- annually present a program of activities for the next year;
- initiate consultations with the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe;
- report before the General Assembly on the progress made at least once every two years.
Article 12. Minutes of Meetings
The meetings of the General Assembly and the Presidium shall be minuted in its working languages and signed by its President or the authorized representative thereof.
Article 13. Decisions
Decisions of the General Assembly and the Presidium shall be made by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting. The decisions shall be passed on as recommendations to the mayors of the member cities and, if necessary, to the related organizations.
Article 14. Committees
The General Assembly and the Presidium can decide to create advisory or technical committees to maintain the work of the Association.
Article 15. Experts and Observers
The General Assembly and the Presidium can invite experts to meetings to discuss specific issues. The General Assembly and the Presidium can also allow representatives of the advisory or technical committees to attend meetings as observers.
Article 16. Working Languages
The working languages of the Association are English, French and German. Translation and/or interpretation into other languages can be provided at the expense of the delegation that uses them.
Article 17. Working Papers
The papers related to the agenda shall be drawn up in the working languages of the Association and sent to all the Association members along with the invitations to the meeting.
Paperwork management shall be done by the city presiding in the Association.
Article 18. Presiding Cities
The presiding city and two vice-presiding cities shall be elected by a simple majority of the Association member cities present at the General Assembly. The term of the presidency shall be two years and cannot exceed four consecutive years.
Article 19. Resident Representative Offices
In order to optimize its activity, the Association can open Resident Representative Offices in the member cities of the Association. The application for the opening (closing) of a Resident Representative Office shall be made by the member city where it is to be opened (closed). The decision to open a Resident Representative Office is made by a simple majority of the General Assembly.
The Resident Representative Office shall carry out its activity in the interests of the Association and with regard to the nature of the laws of the country in whose territory this office operates.
Only one Resident Representative Office of the Association can be created in the country.
Article 20. Running Costs
The city presiding in the Association in the person of the President of the Association shall ensure the operation of the Association governing bodies. The city hosting the General Assembly or the Presidium covers the running costs associated with the organization of the meeting, including simultaneous interpretation into the working languages of the Association.
Article 21. Provision of Resident Representative Offices
The activity of the Resident Representative Office shall be provided by the members of the Association in the territory of whose cities the Resident Representative Offices are located.
Article 22. Cooperation Principles
The Association shall cooperate under these Statutes with international organizations, as well as with intergovernmental organizations having specialized tasks in related fields.
The Association can take measures to allow representatives of intergovernmental organizations to participate in its meetings without vote.
The Association can, if it deems it desirable, take any adequate measures for consultation with public law entities, as well as with individuals and legal entities that are subjects of private law.
In the territory of each of its members, the Association shall enjoy the privileges necessary for achievement of its goals.
The General Assembly participants, the Presidium members, the President and the Vice-Presidents of the Association shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for independent performance of their functions related to the Association.
Article 23. Dissolution of the Association
The General Assembly can decide to dissolve the Association at any moment.
These Statutes shall enter into force following the decision taken by a simple majority of the General Assembly.
These statutes were adopted and approved by the General Assembly of the Association on 6 September 2019 in Szeged, Hungary.
Minutes of meetings
2024 | General Assembly of the Association of Towns Awarded the Europe Prize, Lublin (Poland), June 1, 2024
2023 | Minutes-Meeting of the Presidium of the Association of Towns Awarded the European Prize in Würzburg, December 3-4, 2023
2023 | Minutes-General Assembly and Youth Forum in Nancy (France), June 2023
2019-2023 | Report of Częstochowa (Poland) as the city presiding in the Association
2022 | Minutes-Meeting of the Presidium of the Association of Towns Awarded the European Prize in Altötting, 3 December 2022
2022 | Minutes – General Assembly and Youth Forum in Strasbourg (France), June 2022
2022 | Report of Częstochowa (Poland) as the city presiding in the Association presented in Strasbourg (France), June 2022
2022 | Minutes – Meeting of the Presidium of the Association of Town Awarded the Europe Prize, online, 7 March 2022
2021 | Minutes of the Presidium, Udine (Italy) – on-line meeting
2021 | General Assembly and Youth Meeting Minutes, Ivano-Frankivsk (Ukraine), 21-22 September 2021 (hybrid meeting)
2020 | Minutes of the Presidium, Darmstadt (Germany) – on-line meeting
2020 | General Assembly and Youth Meeting Minutes Częstochowa (Poland), September 14-15, 2020 on-line meeting
2019 | Minutes of the Presidium, St. Pölten (Austria)
2019 | General Assembly and Youth Meeting Declaration, Szeged (Hungary),
September 06, 2019
2018 | Minutes of the Presidium, Częstochowa (Poland)
2018 | General Assembly and Youth Meeting Minutes, Lublin (Poland), June 02, 2018
2015-2017 | Report of Kharkiv (Ukraine) as the city presiding in the Association
2016 | Presidium Minutes, Mülheim-an-der Ruhr (Germany), November 04, 2016
2016 | General Assembly and Youth Meeting Minutes, Klaipeda (Lithuania), June 03, 2016
2015 | General Assembly and Youth Meeting Report, Kharkiv (Ukraine), May 21-24, 2015
2000-2004 | Report of Częstochowa (Poland) as the city presiding in the Association